The Eldest's face shapes sketchbook entry.
There are so many cool shapes in the human face.
It all began with a large oval, the shape of a face.
To make our collage mouths, we talked about symmetry.
I cut out a heart by folding a piece of paper- "How could we make this a mouth?", I asked.
The paper was folded again and Prophet trimmed the edges.
Her mouth inspired my own.
The Eldest remarked, "Prophet's nose looks like a Picasso..."
"Speaking of Picasso," I murmured, as the Eldest revealed his own face collage.
Gnome chose, instead, to use a "banana" shape for her handsome fellow's mouth.
All agreed that Gnome's face was the friendliest.
As for my face collage, the Eldest wanted to know why it read "40%".
"Because it's 40% true...."